A flooded HOME

Lifting your flooded house and raising your home above the flood level can be the quickest and least expensive way to prevent flood damage or to make your flooded house habitable again.

JJack have submitted a proposal to the NSW Government to assist with lifting 10,000 flooded homes in NSW.

We have local contractors ready and willing to do a pilot project as a demonstration. The pilot project ideally would be 10 homes in the same street. If you would like to be a part of this pilot project please COMPLETE THE FORM BELOW TO REGISTER YOUR INTEREST.

Registering your interest in having your home lifted doesn’t commit you to going ahead with the project.

What else can you do to move this closer to reality?

You can visit your local member and ask them to put their influence and energy behind this proposal. If enough people do this we can make it happen.

Please include me in your submission to NSW Government to lift 10,000 flooded homes above the flood level.

Register here!

i want to LIFT my home above flood level

Please complete as much of the information below as possible to help us give you the most accurate assessment.

Registering your interest doesn’t commit you to going ahead with the project.

case study

Over the past few years JJack house lifting has been working with the Department of Communities to lift several government owned houses in Fitzroy Crossing, and the surrounding Kimberley region, to a safe height above the 100-year flood mark.

After floods devastated communities across Western Australia's far north JJack was commissioned by the Department of Communities Housing Authority to lift several flooded homes in the Bungardi and Darlgunaya communities outside Fitzroy Crossing.